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keyword , Domain and URL ,page title ,Keyword meta tag



In the next unit we will delve a little more about the importance of keywords, as well as some considerations to take into account with them. It is vital to work the keywords from the planning and strategic point of view for the success of a website. These words will not only help us describe our business or products, but they will also be in charge of attracting potential customer traffic to our site.


Learn more about the importance of keywords.
Analyze the website to attract potential customer traffic to our website.
Know the meaning of the terms Main Keyword and Long Tail.
Manage the use of the appropriate keywords in the Domain, URL, title, header, text and the tags that the page should present.


Because each user can perform a search for a product or service that they are interested in differently, it is essential to create a list with different keywords and adapt to the search habits of users. In this sense, we must take into account main and secondary keywords, or what is the same, man keyword and long tail:

Main Keyword: main keywords with a high degree of competition.
Long Tail: group of words from the same family whose level of proficiency is medium-high.
Despite the fact that the main keyword has a greater reach, it is more difficult to position in the Google SERPs, contrary to the keywords from the Long Tail.

To locate these interesting keywords for our positioning we must do a preliminary investigation. There are many tools that will help us in this task, such as SEMrush, the Google Adwords Keyword Planner or UberSuggest.


it will be very useful for us to locate high-performing keywords and incorporate them into our content marketing strategy.

Google Adwords Keyword Planner

these keywords will help us improve the performance of our SEM campaigns.


 above all we will use it to work with Long Tails or to search for synonyms of the main keyword.

Key words to keep in mind

Before we start to choose the keywords that we consider appropriate for our business, it is essential to analyze three very important aspects. These are popularity, competition, and relevance.

Popularity: this will be the number of potential visits that this keyword can bring to our website through search engines. At the beginning of the SEO work, we will be interested in selecting those words that attract us a large volume of traffic, and as we advance in our strategy, we will be interested that in addition to the volume of visits, the traffic is qualified. In this sense the visits must convert on the website. A very useful tool to analyze the degree of popularity of a keywords is the Google Adwords Keyword Planner.

Competition: this will be the degree of difficulty that a keyword will have when it comes to positioning itself in search results, due to competition from other keywords. To know the degree of competition there are different ways, such as going directly to the Google search engine, and including the word we want to analyze, or performing searches with parameters to obtain more precise results.

Relevance: this aspect analyzes whether the keywords are relevant to our business and our website, that is, to eliminate those keywords whose traffic is of low quality and is not interested in what we offer, avoiding the bounce rate of our page that will harm to our positioning.

Domain and URL

A poorly designed website is a clear impediment for search engines to crawl content and position it correctly. Have you ever wondered what web server a website is on?

In most cases we do not even ask ourselves about it, and taking into account that in this course we do not deal with advanced technical aspects, we are going to give some basic recommendations to take into account.

The bandwidth that we have will be directly related to the number of users and visits that our website receives. It does not matter if the server is internal or external, if we have a very high volume of visits and our server has a low capacity, the loading speed of our website and access to it will be quite reduced at the same time as the web positioning.

When we stay in a free hosting, in most cases there are certain limitations in the transfer of data. If we do not control it and exceed this limit, they may cut off access to our website.

Another of the key factors that can bring the discontent of our users and therefore a decrease in web positioning, is the reliability of the server. Not only is it enough to have a high bandwidth, but we also need interruptions to be as low as possible. If it happens punctually there will be no problem, but if it happens continuously it may cause our website not to be indexed.

Finally, we must take into account our IP "neighbors". When we are in a hosting and on many occasions we share IP (the cheapest option) it may be that the characteristics of other websites are contagious.

For example, if one of our "neighbors" is classified as spam, it may be that part of their negative authority is transferred to us and therefore they can penalize us.

Domain, subdomain, and directory

Once we have decided and have selected a good site to host our website, it is necessary to decide if we want to use a domain, subdomain or directory. In the case of creating a new website, there is no problem, since we are almost obliged to start with a new domain. But what happens if once our company is launched we want to launch a new project? In this case we will have to decide, so we will see the different situations.

Domain: It is the highest step within a website. From the domain is where the subdomains and directories grow. The domain is where we will have to make our best SEO efforts, since it will be the one who transmits them to the other parties. As we have mentioned before, it is the first mandatory step in creating a website. Its form is:

Directory: It is used to segment our website into the different sections it has. Each of these directories forms a URL, so each URL can be optimized for SEO. Its form is

For example: Let's imagine we have the case of a computer store. Its main page has the domain and we optimize it so that it appears in the search results through the words "buy computer". On the other hand, it has another category of keyboards, whose URL is and therefore it is another way to access those users who only want to buy keyboards, so this time we will optimize it as "buy keyboards" and we will be dividing the potential of our page in two, covering a wider range. This example serves to assess the importance of not only optimizing the home page of our website, if not all the directories.

Subdomain: In this case is where doubts may arise regarding SEO positioning. The subdomain is hosted within the domain, but it is on a level other than the directories. Its form is:

When we create a subdomain, part of the authority of the main domain is transferred, although the opposite does not happen. This involves the risk that if our subdomain ranks better than the domain, authority will not be transferred. However, it is widely used to maintain the brand image but refer to different projects.

Another domain: Inadvisable if we already have a good position in our main domain, since we will have to start from scratch with the new domain. One of the few advantages it has is that if the new domain positions better than the previous one, it can be used for link building strategies (we will see it in the next topic).

It is necessary to understand the differences between each of the parts of the web structure, since if we want to create a new project, we must understand that the different possibilities can influence its successful outcome.

page title

The title of each page must be unique, that is, two pages cannot have the same name, as this has a negative effect on our SEO.

When you are reviewing the content of your website, make it easier for search engines to identify the pages, that is, give each page an identifying name that, if possible, includes a keyword in it. It is not a key factor, but among all those used by search engines, it helps to have the keywords in another place.

The page courses-valencia.html will obtain better positioning than the page curval.html ; the page formwork-horizontal.html that secc01.html etc.

Rewriting the name of the pages is tedious, but nothing complicated if you take it into account while making your website. Conversely, doing the renaming later can lead to indexing errors that you should be aware of.

If the formwork page has always been secc01.html , it is possible that search engines, other websites or directories already have that page indexed, so changing the name will cause you to lose links and, consequently, visits.

A good way to make this transition is to create a copy of the page and have the same content on both pages secc01.html and horizontal formworks.html . For a while you will have to worry about changing the links to the first page, with the old name, by links to the second, with the new name.

When you verify, through the web statistics application, that the old page does not get visits for a while, you can safely remove it.

Headers and page text.

As we have already seen, a website is organized from the root domain, which usually coincides with the home page, since it is the one that will appear first if we perform a direct search in Google by typing the domain directly.

From this page we will create the previously described directories and subdomains, placing the most general information at higher levels and the most specific at lower levels (there may be several levels of directories). The structure of a correctly developed page will have a very positive influence on the web positioning, since the Google robot will not get lost in our content. To facilitate this structure, the "3-click rule" is known.

What is usually recommended for a website to be easily accessible is a flat hierarchical structure, in which any page is accessible in a few clicks. As its proper name indicates, the optimum is 3, and refers to the maximum distance with which to access any information on the web.

Example of a web map 3 clicks (Not counting the language of the page)

Even with the guidelines that the main search engines gave long ago not to exceed 100 links on the same page, in this way it would allow us to have thousands in a few levels. However, it is not necessary to obsess over it, it is best to rely on achieving an efficient, useful and visitor-friendly design.

Another aspect to take into account is that there is a general consensus in which it is believed that the pages closest (less click) to the main page (Home) are more important and are taken by robots as having higher quality content . This is an aspect to take into account, but if we follow the rule of structuring the content from most important to least, we will have absolutely no problem with this aspect.

Finally, and although it has not been proven, it is believed that all those pages that deal with the same topic and are also located nearby, have a greater positioning power. That is, if our pages are set in directories, and we have a directory with other subdirectories of the same theme, they will have a better consideration for indexing robots. That is, it is said that robots have the ability to perform a semantic analysis between pages.

Etiqueta meta description

Esta etiqueta es la que se muestra debajo del title cuando realizamos una búsqueda en Google. Siempre se ha creído que las palabras clave que utilizamos en esta etiqueta sirven para mejorar el posicionamiento y aumentar en el ranking, aunque realmente no es así.

La función principal de esta etiqueta es ofrecer un resumen previo de nuestra web, es decir, conocer a qué se dedica y qué vamos a poder encontrar en ella. El número máximo de caracteres se encuentra en torno a los 156.

Although it is known that it does not facilitate web positioning, it does not mean that they are not useful, since it allows the user to preview the theme of the page without the need to enter it. You should know that not filling in this label is synonymous with leaving it in the hands of the search engine, which will put what it considers most important in the content without taking into account the text limitation, so it will be cut.

In addition, it is a good attraction of visits to our website since it can be a reason to make the user visit our page.

Keyword meta tag

The meta keyword tag contains the keywords that will define the website where we are. In the early days of SEO, keywords determined the importance of a website and the main theme to which it was dedicated, so their influence was quite relevant. Given this situation, many websites repeated the keywords endlessly, consequently what is known as keyword stuffing.

Being aware of this situation, the robots eliminated the excessive power conceived of the keywords, releasing them to the background. Likewise, at present there are many websites that bet on these techniques.

An example of this tag is:

Meta name = ”keywords” content = ”inesem, online training, subsidized training, online masters”

Keep in mind that when we bet on more than one simultaneously, we must separate them by commas.

Meta Robots Tag

It is one of the most important meta tags since our positioning depends directly on its use. It is responsible for giving information and direct instructions to search engine robots about how to proceed with the web.

Depending on the configuration we use, we will allow the robot to index or not our page and crawl it or not. The general form of this tag is:

The cases will refer to each of the different assumptions that we can choose, which are:

Index, Follow: Our page will be indexed and crawlable.

NoIndex, Follow: It is not indexable but it is traceable. That is, it will not be displayed in the search results but it will be searchable.

Index, NoFollow: Allows indexing but not crawling.

NoIndex, NoFollow: Avoid indexing and crawling.

Meta viewport tag

This tag is used for websites that use a responsive mobile version. Its main function is to indicate to the robots how large our website will be displayed on different mobile devices.

Its form is:

Its meaning is:

width = device = width: The size of the page must be as the device shown

Initial-scale = 1.0: The page should initially be displayed as large as the Smartphone screen allows.

It is very important to know that this tag can only be used in responsive versions and not in those that use a dynamic mobile version or with independent URLs.

Meta Nosnippet Tag

It is a tag that eliminates the possibility of our website appearing in Google's featured fragments.

Its format is:

Other Meta Tags

As we mentioned at the beginning of this section, the meta tags are not limited simply to the recently explained ones, but we can use others that offer additional information and complete the instructions for the robot. Some of them are:

Author: Serves to reference the creator of the page

Subject: A kind of meta-description but shorter.

Generator: It refers to the programming language in which the web is created, for example, wordpress, drupal, joomla etc.

Language: Language of the content

Revisit-after: It indicates to the search engine how long it should re-crawl the content.

Title tag

We include it last since it is not really a meta-tag. In general, it is considered this way since it is included in the head and is registered by the search engines, however it is governed by completely different rules.

The main difference is that the title tag has its own syntax, that is, it is completely necessary in writing correct HTML code. Usually in code reviewers like W3C it is required and is listed as an error when not included correctly.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that unlike the others, this tag does represent one of the most important factors in terms of web positioning, since it will be because of what users find us. It is completely necessary not to exceed the maximum number of characters, which since the last update is set by pixels. That is, it depends on the space occupied by the letters that compose it, for example a capital letter occupies more than a lowercase.

A tool to check how the total result of our website will be in the Google search engine and when we exceed the number of characters is:


table of contents title